Home » How to Make a Media Kit That Draws Attention [Template]

How to Make a Media Kit That Draws Attention [Template]

Do you really need to know how to make a media kit? The truth is that it depends. There are a lot of reasons someone would want to put together a collection of their platforms, skills, and expertises. But it also depends on your goal and what you want to do with your platform.

Are you a speaker trying to get paid speaking gigs? Then yeah, a media kit is valuable.

Are you a Youtuber with hopes of monetizing your platform so you can quit your 9-5? Then yes! A media kit is a step in that direction.

But if you’re just someone who likes to create content online and are less forward about your approach to making an income from it, then something like this might not be for you. You’ll have to read here and get a feel for whether or not it’s worth it for you.

Here’s what you’ll learn about how to make a media kit:

  1. Definition
  2. Why it’s necessary
  3. Contents of a media kit
  4. Examples
  5. How to make your own

What is a media kit?

Traditionally, a media kit was used solely to have dedicated information about an individual or a business in order to report on them. More recently, media kits are also what people with a digital platforms use to share details their audience, reach, engagement, and other metrics of interest to businesses wanting to promote or work with that individual.

To put it bluntly: it’s the data of an influencer or online leader that will help a business decide if they want to spend money on said influencer, or work with them in other capacities.

Usually, media kits are presented in a PDF, PNG, or other digital file through email or other means of communication, but can sometimes exist on a web page as well.

These can also be used to present information about a person, company, or organization to journalists, bloggers, potential clients, or partners. It typically includes key facts, statistics, images, and other relevant information to help the media or stakeholders understand and promote the entity effectively, but we’ll get into more specifics in a section below.

Why is a media kit necessary?

A media kit is essential because it serves as a comprehensive resource that simplifies the process for journalists, bloggers, and other media professionals to gather information about a brand or individual. It provides them with everything they need to know in one convenient package, making it more likely for them to cover the story, feature the brand, or dictate the amount paid for advertisement partnerships.

Without this, companies have to take the entity owner’s word for their numbers, and what businesses will stake money on a more-or-less stranger’s word?

Additionally, learning how to make a media kit that fits your brand, personality, and audience can go a long way to landing the partnership, even if your numbers aren’t exactly where the company wants.

To put it into perspective, here’s who would want to learn how to make a media kit, based on profession:

  • Speakers
  • Reporters
  • Bloggers
  • Influencers
  • Digital creators (Youtube, social media, etc.)
  • Small businesses

What goes in a media kit?

To learn how to make a media kit, remember that you’ll want to include specific information the company is looking for. In general, they’ll expect a media kit to include these details.

  1. Company, Entity, Individual Bio: A brief introduction to the company, including its history, mission, and values. If you’re an individual creator or speaker, you’ll want this to be your bio, which should be short but hits on a few marks related to what you do, why you do it, and some personality details.
  2. Key Facts and Figures: Important statistics and data about the company, such as revenue, market share, and customer demographics. This would also include social media channels and how many followers you have, along with engagement metrics.
  3. Product or Service Information: Details about the company’s products or services, including specifications, features, and benefits. If you’re a digital creator or speaker, this would mean details about what it would look like for a business to hire you to speak on stage or for a social media post.
  4. Press Releases: Recent press releases or news articles about the company. You don’t have to specifically link them or type out the URL. It’s enough to just create a “Seen In” or “Featured In” area and drop the logos of the businesses.
  5. Images and Videos: High-quality images showcasing the company’s products, services, or events. You can also use images that represent what you do, like a speaker on a TED stage during a talk. Choose these well! Don’t just choose filler images. More on these below.
  6. Contact Information: Contact details for media inquiries or interviews. This includes your primary communication method, and we’d encourage you to make it an email, since that’s what many businesses use. Don’t ask that companies “DM” you on social media. You’re less likely to get a response.

Some media kits have additional information. It depends on your industry and the expectations there. Most businesses will let you know what information they’d like to see from you, and you can learn more from the examples below.

Media Kit Examples & Why They Work

There are a lot of ways to make a media kit, and yours will depend on what you do and what you want to get out of it. These are various examples, some from small-time folks, and others with much experience.

Speaker Media Kit Example

Speakers are unique because their specialties will all be a little different. Even if you’re a keynote speaker, the content you cover is different. Therefore, what you choose to include in your media kit will be unique to your expertise, angle, and style.

In the example below, Clare Kumar has a two page media kit, which is okay to do because of the variety of speaking options she has. If you only have one type of speaker offer (like a keynote or one talk), you only need to include one page. The less content, the easier it is for a potential brand partner to easily understand who you are, what you do, and if they want to work with you.

speaker media kit example

The highlights of this speaker media kit are the “Areas of Expertise” next to the results, and the very clearly outlined options available to hire Clare for.

Digital Creator Media Kit Example

This example is for a digital creator media kit. It just so happens that this digital creator is also an author. So while she does write and publish books, Hannah Lee Kidder also has a robust digital platform that includes Youtube, Instagram, and other profiles.

What’s specifically great about this media kit is the platform size and engagement metrics very plainly visible, as well as the detailed audience breakdown.

how to make a media kit for a digital creator example

If you can, always include not only the percentage of men/women, but also their ages. This makes a huge difference for making the most of your offer with the right brands. Hannah Lee Kidder also does a great job of writing a compelling and honest bio, includes details of her latest conversion with a paid partnership, and lists her prices clearly.

From this single page, a brand can choose whether or not to hire her in an uncomplicated manner.

Influencer Media Kit Example

There is a difference between digital creators and influencers, though the distinction is small.

A digital creator usually has a singular purpose or business connected with their platform. They might sell their own products and have a certain niche they create content around.

An influencer is someone who creates content around their daily lives, and shares products and brands they enjoy to enhance this lifestyle. They might have some products or merchandise, but typically make a living from working with brands and sharing sponsored content, even if that content seems to have a more narrow focus or niche.

This is an example of a media kit for an influencer.

As you can see, the highlights here are her bio and audience sizes. She has broken down specific channel follower sizes, along with engagements metrics brands care about when choosing to sponsor influencers.

influencer media kit example

Also present here is the demographic, and a few pictures to showcase the tone of how this influencer would share and sponsor the content. Additionally, you’ll see “Previously Work With” brands listed at the bottom, which also help sell an influencer’s platform services.

Blogger Media Kit Example

Bloggers still need media kits, and oftentimes require that you send an email to inquire. This is usually because not many bloggers like to dish out their website traffic numbers on the internet. It’s more advantageous to keep their general platform information like niche, bio, and the like public, and request an inquiry for the entire media kit.

Below is an example from The Confused Millennial and is actually a web page instead of a PDF or download.

Here you can see a quick overview of if you’re in the right place, brands that have featured her work before, and past collaborations for easy viewing. This gives brands a quick glance of the types of products she’s promoted before to know if you’re a good fit even before reaching out for website traffic numbers.

make a blogger media kit example

The reason for doing a media kit this way is that it filters out inquiries that won’t be a fit. In this case, the blogger is expressing, up front, which types of brands she’d like to work with based on the ones she’s displaying from her “Past Work”. It’s a great way to cut down on admin and only send the full media kit to brands who fit her niche.

Business Media Kit Example

Depending on the size of the business, the media kit can be extensive. Like the example of the blogger above, a business might choose to keep their media kit public on their website to cut down on inquiries.

This also makes it possible for people to mention and create content around their business for free.

For a business like Headspace, they have a few options for press and media options. Instead of including a few samples of images, they created an entire Google Folder with extensive options and it’s accessible with a single click.

example of business press kit

While this is a very different format than an individual would use for a media kit, it does make sense and is highly condusive to a company with many, many partnerships. This way, there is less back-and-forth necessary, and anyone can access their files in a click.

Magazine Media Kit Example

Magazines may not be as popular as they once were, but they may experience a come back yet. As more people strive to spend less time online, magazines may once again serve as a go-to for content consumption.

Elle magazine hasn’t gone anywhere, and keeps their media kit on brand with their magazine.

how to make a media kit magazine example

As you can see, they have a menu of options and material to look through at the top, and each page is short, sweet, and to the point. Including an entire, year-long editorial calendar helps brands see which issue they’d most like to be in and the deadlines for it.

How to Make a Media Kit: 4 Methods

You might be able to hire this out, you might find it worth doing yourself. We actually encourage you keep an editable version of yours just in case you want to tweak and edit a few details depending on the brand you’re sending it to on any given day.

While yes, most of the information will stay the same, skewing your media kit to further speak to the brand in question can go a long way. Think of it as a cover letter for a job that way.

Here are the methods you can use to learn how to make a media kit.

1. Use a template

This is by far the fastest and easiest method. You can design one from scratch, or just use one that’s been pre-made and fill in your information. You’ll still want to customize it to some degree.

Take ours, for example:

It’s free. It comes in both a PSD file and on Canva so you can use it yourself or send it to your designer to update colors to match your branding. Either way, this is one of the better methods to make a media kit.

2. Utilize free online sources

Note that this method will have some limitations. Take these examples:

You’ll see that there are certain markers on different options that indicate you’ll need an upgraded account to use them. The ones that require payment have a small crown in the bottom right corner, that expands to say “pro” when you hover over it. As you can imagine, the more design elements, the higher the tier needed to use.

3. Hire a designer

You can also outsource the entire process of making your media kit to a designer. They can make it from scratch in photoshop, InDesign, or another software they prefer.

This option is definitely for those who have a budget to spend and want something completely unique.

If you don’t have a designer you work with exclusively and want to hire one, here are some options:

  1. Search Facebook design groups and create a “hiring” post with the description
  2. Look on Fiverr and search for “media kit”
  3. Ask around in your network if anyone has a designer they would recommend
  4. Use other freelance sites like Upwork to hire a designer (but have caution, some of these don’t have the best quality, though the prices are nice

Make sure to be clear about what you want, and send over your information ahead of time. Also look for options that allow for revisions, and the editable file so you can make tweaks and updates to your numbers as you grow.

4. Use your website

This isn’t quite as advised, but it’s still an option and therefore, we share it. Of course, it does also depend on the type of media kit you need for clients. It’s often easier to get a client to view an attached PDF to an email than it is for them to click the link. Even adding one step can reduce the likelihood of businesses actually viewing your kit.

For this method, you’ll just create a new page on your website. Include all the same details you would anywhere else, and even add navigation to make it simpler, like Elle does for their magazine’s press page.

Make sure to view this in every format! Many work from their phones, so mobile will need to be optimized.


Will a media kit make or break your ability to land partnerships? Not really. But having a good one can increase the impression others have on you, indicating that you’re a professional who takes their work seriously.

And, of course, you have to build your platform to a point of necessitating a media kit in general. That requires an entire other method of growth.


Bella Rose Emmorey
I'm a multi-creative in pursuit of doing exactly whatever I want in life. Former speaker of book things, fiction author in progress, life figure-outer in progress, societal rule breaker extraordinaire. Smells like: homemade bread, book paper, potted plants, & potential.

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