Quoting Yehuda Berg, "Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity." Your closing remarks in a speech help the audience remember the main points of your address and the reason you gave it. It’s a summary of your most essential points. As a...
Author: Joelle Cullimore
Marketing Content Manager
11 Ways to Say “Without Further Ado” Without Saying It
“Without further ado” is a common opener used in public speaking. But what does it actually mean? Let’s take a look… Now that you understand the meaning of without further ado, it’s time to make sense of it’s importance in the public speaking realm. You see,...
How to Speak Professionally: The Complete Guide for Beginners
Picture this: After years of hard work in your field, you are asked to give a speech at an important event. But you walk onto the stage and bomb. Your voice shakes, and you swallow your words as nervousness takes over. Maybe you fidget or lose the audience using...
9 Steps to Become A Successful Keynote Speaker This Year
It’s Friday. You’ve just given your last pep talk to a colleague, and you sit back and ask yourself why you haven’t considered becoming a keynote speaker before. You love talking, helping others, and the idea of getting paid to speak enlightens you, but you’ve shared...
How to Use Hand Gestures During A Speech
No one is born a skilled speaker, and not everyone born is meant to be good at public speaking. The skills that forge talented speakers are learned, like hand positions and gestures. What does this mean for you? It means that everyone has the chance to develop these...
How to Get a TED Talk: The 9 Step Guide Used by 603+ Clients
Learn the steps involved in getting a TED Talk. Find available events, navigate the application process, apply, and meet your goals.
What Is Personal Branding: 4 Ways To Leverage It To Become A Remarkable Leader
What is personal branding? How do you define it? Promote it? Here are 4 ways to leverage your brand and become a leader. Let’s get started!
10 Secrets to Become A CEO: A Million-Dollar Entrepreneur’s Mindset
Have you wondered how to become a CEO? Take a look at these 10 secrets from a million-dollar entrepreneur and get yourself on the track for success.
How to Surround Yourself With Good People Throughout Your Life
When the company you keep has the ability to influence all areas of your life, explore how to surround yourself with good people!
How to Give A TED Talk: Deliver Your Speech With Confidence
How to Give A TED Talk: Deliver Your Speech With Confidence So you landed a TED talk. Now what? While speaking at TED requires practice and speech memorization, those tips don’t tell you how to give a TED talk. We also discussthose...